
[rap-er] /ˈræp ər/

a person or thing that or knocks.
the knocker of a door.
Slang. a person who chats or talks, especially freely.
a person who performs , especially professionally.
something used for rapping, such as a knocker on a door
a performer of rap music

agent noun meaning “one who raps” in any sense (see rap (v.)). Before the hip-hpo performance sense emerged c.1979, it could mean “door-knocker” (1630s), “spirit-rapper” (1755), “professional perjurer” (1840), prison slang for “prosecutor” (1904), “itinerant antiques buyer,” with a tinge of shadiness (1914). Rapster is from 1772.



: rapper talk, which pulls in language from 40s hipsters, 60s hippies, and even cockney rhyming slang


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