
[rapt] /ræpt/

deeply engrossed or absorbed:
a rapt listener.
transported with emotion; enraptured:
rapt with joy.
showing or proceeding from :
a rapt smile.
carried off spiritually to another place, sphere of existence, etc.
totally absorbed; engrossed; spellbound, esp through or as if through emotion: rapt with wonder
characterized by or proceeding from rapture: a rapt smile
(Austral & NZ, informal) Also wrapped. very pleased: delighted

late 14c., “carried away in an ecstatic trance,” from Latin raptus, past participle of rapere “seize, carry off” (see rape (v.)). A figurative sense, the notion is of “carried up into Heaven (bodily or in a dream),” as in a saint’s vision. Latin literal sense of “carried away” was in English from 1550s. In 15c.-17c. the word also sometimes could mean “raped.” Sense of “engrossed” first recorded c.1500. As a past participle adjective, in English it spawned the back-formed verb rap “to affect with rapture,” which was common c.1600-1750.

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