
[raz-uh l-daz-uh l] /ˈræz əlˈdæz əl/

noun, Informal.
showiness, brilliance, or virtuosity in technique or effect, often without concomitant substance or worth; flashy theatricality:
The razzle-dazzle of the essay’s metaphors cannot disguise its shallowness of thought.
Chiefly Football. deceptive action typically consisting of a series of complex maneuvers, as a double reverse or hand-off, usually executed in a flashy manner:
a team relying more on power and speed than razzle-dazzle.
confusion, commotion, or riotous gaiety.
impressively opulent or decorative, especially in a new way; showy; flashy; eye-catching:
a shopping center lined with razzle-dazzle boutiques.
energetic, dynamic, or innovative:
razzle-dazzle technology; a razzle-dazzle sales pitch.
(slang) noisy or showy fuss or activity

1886, American English slang, varied reduplication of dazzle (q.v.).

My confrère, The Chevalier, last month gave a new name to the scarfs of disjointed pattern when he called them the razzle-dazzle. The name was evidently a hit of the most patent character, for in several avenue and Broadway stores the clerks have thrown out a display of broken figures before me and explained that the ruling style at present was the razzle-dazzle, and the word seems to have been equally effective with the public, for when it is quoted by the live salesman, the customer, I am told is at once interested and caught by it. [“Clothier and Furnisher” magazine, Jan. 1889]

Meaning “state of confusion” is from 1889.


: its razzle-dazzle weapons and command and control systems


: a razzledazzle quarterback


[probably a reduplication of dazzle]

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