
[ree-ak-shuh-ner-ee] /riˈæk ʃəˌnɛr i/

of, pertaining to, marked by, or favoring , especially extreme conservatism or rightism in politics; opposing political or social change.
noun, plural reactionaries.
a reactionary person.
/rɪˈækʃənərɪ; -ʃənrɪ/
of, relating to, or characterized by reaction, esp against radical political or social change
noun (pl) -aries, -ists
a person opposed to radical change

1831, on model of French réactionnaire (19c.), from réaction (see reaction). In Marxist use, “tending toward reversing existing tendencies,” opposed to revolutionary and used opprobriously in reference to opponents of communism, by 1858. As a noun, “person considered reactionary,” especially in politics, one who seeks to check or undo political action, by 1855.

An extremely conservative person or position that not only resists change but seeks to return to the “good old days” of an earlier social order.

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