
[ri-seet] /rɪˈsit/

a written acknowledgment of having , or taken into one’s possession, a specified amount of money, goods, etc.
receipts, the amount or quantity received.
the act of or the state of being received.
something that is received.
Archaic. .
verb (used with object)
to acknowledge in writing the payment of (a bill).
to give a receipt for (money, goods, etc.).
verb (used without object)
to give a receipt, as for money or goods.
a written acknowledgment by a receiver of money, goods, etc, that payment or delivery has been made
the act of receiving or fact of being received
(usually pl) an amount or article received
(archaic) another word for recipe
(transitive) to acknowledge payment of (a bill), as by marking it
(mainly US) to issue a receipt for (money, goods, etc)

late 14c., “act of receiving;” also “statement of ingredients in a potion or medicine;” from Anglo-French or Old North French receite “receipt, recipe, prescription” (c.1300), altered (by influence of receit “he receives,” from Vulgar Latin *recipit) from Old French recete, from Latin recepta “received,” fem. past participle of recipere (see receive). Meaning “written acknowledgment of money or goods received” is from c.1600.

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