
[ri-sep-tuh-kuh l] /rɪˈsɛp tə kəl/

a container, device, etc., that receives or holds something:
a receptacle for trash.
Botany. the modified or expanded portion of the stem or axis that bears the organs of a single flower or the florets of a flower head.
Electricity. a contact device installed at an outlet for the connection of a portable lamp, appliance, or other electric device by means of a plug and flexible cord.
an object that holds something; container


late 14c., from Old French receptacle (14c.) and directly from Latin receptaculum “place to receive and store things,” from receptare, frequentative of recipere “to hold, contain” (see receive). As an adjectival form, receptacular (1847) has been used.
The enlarged upper end of a flower stalk that bears the flower or group of flowers. The fleshy edible part of an apple is actually a modified receptacle. See more at flower.

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