Reception centre
noun (social welfare, in Britain)
a place to which distressed people, such as vagrants, addicts, victims of a disaster, refugees, etc, go pending more permanent arrangements
a local-authority home where children are looked after in a family crisis or where long-term placement is arranged for a child whose family cannot provide a home
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- Reception
[ri-sep-shuh n] /rɪˈsɛp ʃən/ noun 1. the act of or the state of being . 2. a manner of being : The book met with a favorable reception. 3. a function or occasion when persons are formally : a wedding reception. 4. the quality or fidelity attained in radio or television broadcasts under given circumstances. […]
- Receptionism
[ri-sep-shuh-niz-uh m] /rɪˈsɛp ʃəˌnɪz əm/ noun, Theology. 1. the doctrine that in the communion service the communicant receives the body and blood of Christ but that the bread and wine are not transubstantiated.
- Reception-desk
noun 1. a desk at which a receptionist works, as in an office. 2. a counter, as at a hotel, at which guests are registered.
- Receptionist
[ri-sep-shuh-nist] /rɪˈsɛp ʃə nɪst/ noun 1. a person employed to receive and assist callers, clients, etc., as in an office. 2. Theology. a person who advocates receptionism. /rɪˈsɛpʃənɪst/ noun 1. a person employed in an office, hotel, doctor’s surgery, etc, to receive clients, guests, or patients, answer the telephone, arrange appointments, etc n. “person hired […]
- Reception-room
noun 1. a room for receiving visitors, clients, patients, etc. noun 1. a room in a private house suitable for entertaining guests, esp a lounge or dining room 2. a room in a hotel suitable for large parties, receptions, etc