
[verb ree-chahrj; noun ree-chahrj, ree-chahrj] /verb riˈtʃɑrdʒ; noun riˈtʃɑrdʒ, ˈriˌtʃɑrdʒ/

verb (used with object), recharged, recharging.
to charge again with electricity.
Informal. to refresh or restore; revitalize.
verb (used without object), recharged, recharging.
to make a new charge, especially to attack again.
Informal. to revive or restore energy, stamina, enthusiasm, etc.
an act or instance of recharging.
Geology. the processes by which ground water is absorbed into the zone of saturation.
verb (transitive)
to cause (an accumulator, capacitor, etc) to take up and store electricity again
to revive or renew (one’s energies) (esp in recharge one’s batteries)

early 15c., “to reload” (a vessel), from re- “again, back” + charge “to load” (q.v.); modeled on Old French rechargier “to load, load back on” (13c.). Meaning “re-power a battery” is from 1876. Related: Recharged; recharging. The noun is recorded from 1610s in English.

verb phrase

To replenish one’s energies, resources, etc: I came to New York to recharge my cultural batteries (mid-1970s+)

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