
[rek-luh-mey-shuh n] /ˌrɛk ləˈmeɪ ʃən/

the of desert, marshy, or submerged areas or other wasteland for cultivation or other use.
the act or process of .
the state of being .
the process or industry of deriving usable materials from waste, by-products, etc.
the conversion of desert, marsh, or other waste land into land suitable for cultivation
the recovery of useful substances from waste products
the act of reclaiming or state of being reclaimed

late 15c., “a revoking” (of a grant, etc.), from Old French réclamacion and directly from Latin reclamationem (nominative reclamatio) “a cry of ‘no,’ a shout of disapproval,” noun of action from past participle stem of reclamare “cry out against, protest” (see reclaim). From 1630s as “action of calling (someone) back” (from iniquity, etc.); meaning “action of claiming something taken awat” is from 1787. Of land from 1848.

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