
[rek-uh-lekt] /ˌrɛk əˈlɛkt/

verb (used with object)
to recall to mind; recover knowledge of by memory; remember.
to absorb (oneself) in spiritual meditation, especially during prayer.
verb (used without object)
to have a ; remember.
[ree-kuh-lekt] /ˌri kəˈlɛkt/
verb (used with object)
to collect, gather, or assemble again (something scattered).
to rally (one’s faculties, powers, spirits, etc.); recover or compose (oneself).
(when transitive, often takes a clause as object) to recall from memory; remember

“remember, recover knowledge of,” 1550s, from Latin recollectus, past participle of recolligere, literally “to collect again,” from re- “again” (see re-) + colligere “gather” (see collect). Related: Recollected; recollecting. The pronunciation is based on recollection.

“to collect or gather again,” c.1600, from re- + collect (v.). Earlier simply “to collect” (1510s). Related: Re-collected; re-collecting.

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