[rek-uh-lek-shuh n] /ˌrɛk əˈlɛk ʃən/
the act or power of , or recalling to mind; remembrance.
something that is :
recollections of one’s childhood.
[ree-kuh-lek-shuh n] /ˌri kəˈlɛk ʃən/
the act of re-collecting or the state of being re-collected.
the act of recalling something from memory; the ability to remember
something remembered; a memory
1590s, “a gathering together again,” from French récollection (14c.) or directly from Medieval Latin recollectionem (nominative recollectio), noun of action from past participle stem of recolligere (see recollect). Meaning “act of recalling to memory” is from 1680s; a thing or scene so recalled, from 1781.
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