
a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.
the sleeping state in which this occurs.
an object seen in a dream.
an involuntary vision occurring to a person when awake.
a vision voluntarily indulged in while awake; daydream; reverie.
an aspiration; goal; aim:
A trip to Europe is his dream.
a wild or vain fancy.
something of an unreal beauty, charm, or excellence.
verb (used without object), dreamed or dreamt, dreaming.
to have a dream.
to indulge in daydreams or reveries:
He dreamed about vacation plans when he should have been working.
to think or conceive of something in a very remote way (usually followed by of):
I wouldn’t dream of asking them.
verb (used with object), dreamed or dreamt, dreaming.
to see or imagine in sleep or in a vision.
to imagine as if in a dream; fancy; suppose.
to pass or spend (time) in dreaming (often followed by away):
to dream away the afternoon.
most desirable; ideal:
a dream vacation.
Verb phrases
dream up, to form in the imagination; devise:
They dreamed up the most impossible plan.

mental activity, usually in the form of an imagined series of events, occurring during certain phases of sleep
(as modifier): a dream sequence
(in combination): dreamland, related adjective oneiric


a sequence of imaginative thoughts indulged in while awake; daydream; fantasy
(as modifier): a dream world

a person or thing seen or occurring in a dream
a cherished hope; ambition; aspiration
a vain hope
a person or thing that is as pleasant, or seemingly unreal, as a dream
go like a dream, to move, develop, or work very well
verb dreams, dreaming, dreamed, dreamt (drɛmt)
(may take a clause as object) to undergo or experience (a dream or dreams)
(intransitive) to indulge in daydreams
(intransitive) to suffer delusions; be unrealistic: you’re dreaming if you think you can win
when intr, foll by of or about. to have an image (of) or fantasy (about) in or as if in a dream
(intransitive) foll by of. to consider the possibility (of): I wouldn’t dream of troubling you
too good to be true; ideal: dream kitchen

dream (drēm)
A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.

God has frequently made use of dreams in communicating his will to men. The most remarkable instances of this are recorded in the history of Jacob (Gen. 28:12; 31:10), Laban (31:24), Joseph (37:9-11), Gideon (Judg. 7), and Solomon (1 Kings 3:5). Other significant dreams are also recorded, such as those of Abimelech (Gen. 20:3-7), Pharaoh’s chief butler and baker (40:5), Pharaoh (41:1-8), the Midianites (Judg. 7:13), Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. 2:1; 4:10, 18), the wise men from the east (Matt. 2:12), and Pilate’s wife (27:19). To Joseph “the Lord appeared in a dream,” and gave him instructions regarding the infant Jesus (Matt. 1:20; 2:12, 13, 19). In a vision of the night a “man of Macedonia” stood before Paul and said, “Come over into Macedonia and help us” (Acts 16:9; see also 18:9; 27:23).

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