Register mark

(printing) any of several marks incorporated on to printing plates to assist in the accurate positioning of images during printing

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  • Registerer

    noun 1. a book in which records of acts, events, names, etc., are kept. 2. a list or record of such acts, events, etc. 3. an entry in such a book, record, or list. 4. an official document issued to a merchant ship as evidence of its nationality. 5. registration or registry. 6. a mechanical […]

  • Regulae

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  • Regulant

    noun 1. a substance, as a chemical, used to control or regulate: herbicides and fungicides as regulants for plant growth.

  • Regular

    adjective 1. usual; normal; customary: to put something in its regular place. 2. evenly or uniformly arranged; symmetrical: regular teeth. 3. characterized by fixed principle, uniform procedure, etc.: regular income. 4. recurring at fixed times; periodic: regular bus departures; regular meals. 5. rhythmical: regular breathing. 6. occurring with normal frequency, as menses or bowel movements. […]

  • Regular-army

    noun 1. the permanent army maintained in peace as well as in war; the standing army: one of the major components of the Army of the United States.

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