
verb (used without object), regurgitated, regurgitating.
to surge or rush back, as liquids, gases, undigested food, etc.
verb (used with object), regurgitated, regurgitating.
to cause to surge or rush back; vomit.
to give back or repeat, especially something not fully understood or assimilated:
to regurgitate the teacher’s lectures on the exam.
to vomit forth (partially digested food)
(of some birds and certain other animals) to bring back to the mouth (undigested or partly digested food with which to feed the young)
(intransitive) to be cast up or out, esp from the mouth
(intransitive) (med) (of blood) to flow backwards, in a direction opposite to the normal one, esp through a defective heart valve

regurgitate re·gur·gi·tate (rē-gûr’jĭ-tāt’)
v. re·gur·gi·tat·ed, re·gur·gi·tat·ing, re·gur·gi·tates

To rush or surge back.

To cause to pour back, especially to cast up partially digested food.

re·gur’gi·tant (-tənt) adj.
re·gur’gi·ta’tion n.
re·gur’gi·ta’tive adj.

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