
a representation, usually on a flat surface, as of the features of an area of the earth or a portion of the heavens, showing them in their respective forms, sizes, and relationships according to some convention of representation:
a map of Canada.
a maplike delineation, representation, or reflection of anything:
The old man’s face is a map of time.
Mathematics. function (def 4a).
Slang. the face:
Wipe that smile off that ugly map of yours.
Genetics. genetic map.
verb (used with object), mapped, mapping.
to represent or delineate on or as if on a map.
to sketch or plan (often followed by out):
to map out a new career.
off the map, out of existence; into oblivion:
Whole cities were wiped off the map.
put on the map, to bring into the public eye; make known, famous, or prominent:
The discovery of gold put our town on the map.
a diagrammatic representation of the earth’s surface or part of it, showing the geographical distributions, positions, etc, of natural or artificial features such as roads, towns, relief, rainfall, etc
a diagrammatic representation of the distribution of stars or of the surface of a celestial body: a lunar map
a maplike drawing of anything
(maths) another name for function (sense 4)
a slang word for face (sense 1)
off the map, no longer important or in existence (esp in the phrase wipe off the map)
put on the map, to make (a town, company, etc) well-known
verb (transitive) maps, mapping, mapped
to make a map of
(maths) to represent or transform (a function, figure, set, etc): the results were mapped onto a graph See also map out
(intransitive) map onto, to fit in with or correspond to
Walter. ?1140–?1209, Welsh ecclesiastic and satirical writer. His chief work is the miscellany De Nugis curialium

map (māp)

The human face.

A genetic map.

v. mapped, map·ping, maps

To make a map of.

To locate a gene or DNA sequence in a specific region of a chromosome in relation to known genes or DNA sequences.


A representation of a region of three-dimensional space, such as of the Earth or a part of the universe, usually on a two-dimensional plane surface. See also projection.

See genetic map.

mean arterial pressure
modified American plan

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