
a female given name, French form of Renata.

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    noun, plural renegados. 1. a renegade. noun (pl) -dos 1. an archaic word for renegade

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    verb (used with object), negated, negating. 1. to deny the existence, evidence, or truth of: an investigation tending to negate any supernatural influences. 2. to nullify or cause to be ineffective: Progress on the study has been negated by the lack of funds. verb (used without object), negated, negating. 3. to be negative; bring or […]

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    verb (used with object), negated, negating. 1. to deny the existence, evidence, or truth of: an investigation tending to negate any supernatural influences. 2. to nullify or cause to be ineffective: Progress on the study has been negated by the lack of funds. verb (used without object), negated, negating. 3. to be negative; bring or […]

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    noun 1. the act of denying: He shook his head in negation of the charge. 2. a denial: a negation of one’s former beliefs. 3. something that is without existence; nonentity. 4. the absence or opposite of something that is actual, positive, or affirmative: Darkness is the negation of light. 5. a negative statement, idea, […]

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