
See under quetzal (def 1).
noun, plural quetzals, quetzales
[ket-sah-leys] /kɛtˈsɑ leɪs/ (Show IPA)
any of several large Central and South American trogons of the genus Pharomachrus, having golden-green and scarlet plumage, especially P. mocino (resplendent quetzal) the national bird of Guatemala: rare and possibly endangered.
a paper money and monetary unit of Guatemala, equal to 100 centavos.
Abbreviation: Q.
noun (pl) -zals, -zales (-ˈsɑːlɛs)
Also called resplendent trogon. a crested bird, Pharomachrus mocinno, of Central and N South America, which has a brilliant green, red, and white plumage and, in the male, long tail feathers: family Trogonidae, order Trogoniformes (trogons)
the standard monetary unit of Guatemala, divided into 100 centavos

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