
a long, narrow strip of linen, cotton, or the like, used for tying garments, binding seams or carpets, etc.
a long, narrow strip of paper, metal, etc.
a strip of cloth, paper, or plastic with an adhesive surface, used for sealing, binding, or attaching items together; adhesive tape or masking tape.
tape measure.
a string stretched across the finishing line in a race and broken by the winning contestant on crossing the line.
ticker tape.
magnetic tape.
a magnetic tape carrying prerecorded sound:
a tape of a rock concert.
verb (used with object), taped, taping.
to furnish with a tape or tapes.
to tie up, bind, or attach with tape.
to measure with or as if with a tape measure.
to record or prerecord on magnetic tape.
verb (used without object), taped, taping.
to record something on magnetic tape.
a long thin strip, made of cotton, linen, etc, used for binding, fastening, etc
any long narrow strip of cellulose, paper, metal, etc, having similar uses
a string stretched across the track at the end of a race course
(military, slang, mainly Brit) another word for stripe1 (sense 3)
See magnetic tape, ticker tape, paper tape, tape recording
verb (mainly transitive)
(also intransitive) Also tape-record. to record (speech, music, etc)
to furnish with tapes
to bind, measure, secure, or wrap with tape
(usually passive) (Brit, informal) to take stock of (a person or situation); sum up: he’s got the job taped
tap dance
see: red tape

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