noun, plural rhedas, rhedae
[ree-dee, -dahy] /ˈri di, -daɪ/ (Show IPA)
(in ancient Rome) a four-wheeled traveling carriage.
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- Rhee
noun 1. Syngman [sing-muh n] /ˈsɪŋ mən/ (Show IPA), 1875–1965, president of South Korea 1948–60. noun 1. Syngman (ˈsɪŋmən). 1875–1965, Korean statesman, leader of the campaign for independence from Japan; first president of South Korea (1948–60). Popular unrest forced his resignation
- Rhegium
breach, a town in the south of Italy, on the Strait of Messina, at which Paul touched on his way to Rome (Acts 28:13). It is now called Rheggio.
- Rhegma
rhegma rheg·ma (rěg’mə) n. A rent or fissure.
- Rhegmatogenous
rhegmatogenous rheg·ma·tog·e·nous (rěg’mə-tŏj’ə-nəs) adj. Arising from a rupture or a fracture.
- Rheims
noun 1. Reims. noun 1. a city in NE France: cathedral; unconditional surrender of Germany May 7, 1945. noun 1. a variant spelling of Reims noun 1. a city in NE France: scene of the coronation of most French monarchs. Pop: 187 206 (1999)