
adherence to or insistence on ritual.
the study of ritual practices or religious rites.
excessive fondness for ritual.
of, relating to, or suggestive of ritualism
emphasis, esp exaggerated emphasis, on the importance of rites and ceremonies
the study of rites and ceremonies, esp magical or religious ones

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    noun 1. adherence to or insistence on ritual. 2. the study of ritual practices or religious rites. 3. excessive fondness for ritual. noun 1. emphasis, esp exaggerated emphasis, on the importance of rites and ceremonies 2. the study of rites and ceremonies, esp magical or religious ones

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    verb (used without object), ritualized, ritualizing. 1. to practice ritualism. verb (used with object), ritualized, ritualizing. 2. to make into a ritual: to ritualize the serving of tea. 3. to convert (someone) to ritualism; impose ritualism upon. verb 1. (intransitive) to engage in ritualism or devise rituals 2. (transitive) to make (something) into a ritual

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