
noun, Crystallography.
an imaginary line through a crystal about which the crystal may be rotated a specified number of degrees and be brought back to its original position.
rotation of axes
[ak-seez] /ˈæk siz/
noun, Mathematics.
a process of replacing the axes in a Cartesian coordinate system with a new set of axes making a specified angle with and having the same origin as the original axes.

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  • Rotation-axis

    noun, Crystallography. 1. an imaginary line through a crystal about which the crystal may be rotated a specified number of degrees and be brought back to its original position.

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    [roh-tey-shuh n in-vur-zhuh n, -shuh n] /roʊˈteɪ ʃən ɪnˈvɜr ʒən, -ʃən/ noun, Crystallography. 1. an axis of a crystal such that rotating about the axis and then inverting the crystal brings the crystal back to its original position.

  • Rotation-of-axes

    [ak-seez] /ˈæk siz/ noun, Mathematics. 1. a process of replacing the axes in a Cartesian coordinate system with a new set of axes making a specified angle with and having the same origin as the original axes.

  • Rotations per minute

    revolutions per minute

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