short corkscrew-shaped pasta
Usage Note
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- Rotisserie
noun 1. a small broiler with a motor-driven spit, for barbecuing fowl, beef, etc. verb (used with object), rotisseried, rotisseriing. 2. to broil on a rotisserie. noun 1. a rotating spit on which meat, poultry, etc, can be cooked 2. a shop or restaurant where meat is roasted to order
- Rotisserie league
noun a group of imaginary teams which the participants own, manage, and coach and with the games based on statistics generated by actual players or teams of a professional sport; cf. fantasy sport See fantasy sport Word Origin from La Rotisseries restaurant in New York, where it was invented
- Rotisserie-league-baseball
Trademark. 1. a game in which participants compete by running imaginary baseball teams whose results are based on the actual performances of major-league players.
- Rotm
ROTM right on the money
- Roto
noun, plural rotos. 1. rotogravure. roto rotogravure