[ruhf-spoh-kuh n] /ˈrʌfˈspoʊ kən/
coarse or vulgar in speech.
rude or uncouth in speech; blunt
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- Rousseauism
noun 1. the doctrines or principles of Jean Jacques Rousseau or his adherents.
- Rousseauist
noun 1. the doctrines or principles of Jean Jacques Rousseau or his adherents.
- Rousseauistic
noun 1. the doctrines or principles of Jean Jacques Rousseau or his adherents.
- Roussillon
noun 1. a historic region in S France, on the border of Spain and the Mediterranean Sea. noun 1. a former province of S France: united with Aragon in 1172; passed to the French crown in 1659; now forms part of the region of Languedoc-Roussillon
- Roust
verb (used with object) 1. to rout, as from a place: to roust someone out of bed. verb 1. (transitive) often foll by out. to rout or stir, as out of bed roust