Round ligament of femur
round ligament of femur n.
See ligament of head of femur.
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- Round ligament of liver
round ligament of liver n. The fibrous cord that remains after the fetal umbilical vein is obliterated.
- Round ligament of uterus
round ligament of uterus n. A fibromuscular band attached to the uterus on either side in front of and below the opening of the fallopian tube and passing through the inguinal canal to the labia majora.
- Round-lot
noun, Stock Exchange. 1. the conventional unit or quantity in which commodities or securities are bought and sold. 2. (in a transaction) a quantity of 100 shares of a stock that is active or 10 shares of a stock that is inactive.
- Round-lotter
[round-lot-er] /ˈraʊndˈlɒt ər/ noun 1. a buyer or seller of round lots.
- Roundly
adverb 1. in a round manner. 2. vigorously or briskly. 3. outspokenly, severely, or unsparingly. 4. completely or fully. 5. in round numbers or in a vague or general way. adverb 1. frankly, bluntly, or thoroughly: to be roundly criticized 2. in a round manner or so as to be round