Royal air force
the air force of the United Kingdom RAF
Royal Air Force definition
The British air force, most famous for its performance in the Battle of Britain and other campaigns of World War II. Known as the RAF.
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noun 1. (Brit) an official list of all serving commissioned officers of the RAF and reserve officers liable for recall
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noun 1. Henri [ahn-ree] /ɑ̃ˈri/ (Show IPA), (“Le Douanier”) 1844–1910, French painter. 2. Jean Jacques [zhahn zhahk] /ʒɑ̃ ʒɑk/ (Show IPA), 1712–78, French philosopher, author, and social reformer; born in Switzerland. 3. (Pierre Étienne) Théodore [pyer ey-tyen te-aw-dawr] /pyɛr eɪˈtyɛn tɛ ɔˈdɔr/ (Show IPA), 1812–67, French painter. noun 1. Henri (ɑ̃ri), known as le Douanier. […]
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