
adjective, ruder, rudest.
discourteous or impolite, especially in a deliberate way:
a rude reply.
without culture, learning, or refinement:
rude, illiterate peasants.
rough in manners or behavior; unmannerly; uncouth.
rough, harsh, or ungentle:
rude hands.
roughly wrought, built, or formed; of a crude construction or kind:
a rude cottage.
not properly or fully developed; raw; unevolved:
a rude first stage of development.
harsh to the ear:
rude sounds.
without artistic elegance; of a primitive simplicity:
a rude design.
violent or tempestuous, as the waves.
robust, sturdy, or vigorous:
rude strength.
approximate or tentative:
a rude first calculation of costs.
[frahn-swa] /frɑ̃ˈswa/ (Show IPA), 1784–1855, French sculptor.
insulting or uncivil; discourteous; impolite: he was rude about her hairstyle
lacking refinement; coarse or uncouth
vulgar or obscene: a rude joke
unexpected and unpleasant: a rude awakening to the facts of economic life
roughly or crudely made: we made a rude shelter on the island
rough or harsh in sound, appearance, or behaviour
humble or lowly
(prenominal) robust or sturdy: in rude health
(prenominal) approximate or imprecise: a rude estimate

[WPI] 1. Badly written or functionally poor, e.g. a program that is very difficult to use because of gratuitously poor design decisions. Opposite: cuspy.
2. Anything that manipulates a shared resource without regard for its other users in such a way as to cause a (non-fatal) problem. Examples: programs that change tty modes without resetting them on exit, or windowing programs that keep forcing themselves to the top of the window stack. Compare all-elbows.
[Jargon File]

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