noun, (used with a plural verb)
a mountain range in S California, N of Los Angeles. Highest peak, San Antonio Peak, 10,080 feet (3072 meters).
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- Sangamon
noun, Geology. 1. the third interglacial stage of the Pleistocene Epoch in North America, after the Illinoian glacial stage and before the Wisconsin.
- Sangar
noun 1. (military) a breastwork of stone or sods
- Sangaree
noun 1. sangría. noun 1. a spiced drink similar to sangria
- Sanger
noun 1. Frederick, 1918–2013, English biochemist: Nobel Prize in chemistry 1958. 2. Margaret Higgins [hig-inz] /ˈhɪg ɪnz/ (Show IPA), 1883–1966, U.S. nurse and author: leader of birth-control movement. 3. a town in central California. noun 1. (Austral, slang) a sandwich Also called sango noun 1. Frederick. born 1918, English biochemist, who determined the molecular structure […]
- San-german
noun 1. a city in SW Puerto Rico.