an iced drink, typically made with red wine, sugar, fruit juice, soda water, and spices, and containing fruit slices.
a Spanish drink of red wine, sugar, spices, fruit, and soda water or lemonade, sometimes laced with rum or brandy
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- Sangui-
1. a combining form meaning “blood,” used in the formation of technical terms: sanguiferous.
- Sanguicolous
[sang-gwik-uh-luh s] /sæŋˈgwɪk ə ləs/ adjective 1. living in the blood, as a parasite. sanguicolous san·guic·o·lous (sāng-gwĭk’ə-ləs) adj. Living in the blood, as certain parasites.
- Sanguifacient
sanguifacient san·gui·fa·ci·ent (sāng’gwə-fā’shənt) adj. Of or relating to the formation of red blood cells.
- Sanguiferous
[sang-gwif-er-uh s] /sæŋˈgwɪf ər əs/ adjective 1. conveying blood, as a blood vessel. sanguiferous san·guif·er·ous (sāng-gwĭf’ər-əs) adj. Conveying blood.
- Sanguification
[sang-gwuh-fi-key-shuh n] /ˌsæŋ gwə fɪˈkeɪ ʃən/ noun 1. hematopoiesis. sanguification san·gui·fi·ca·tion (sāng’gwə-fĭ-kā’shən) n. See hematopoiesis.