noun, Theology.
spiritual rebirth.
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noun, Roman Catholic Church. 1. an experience of sanctification coming after conversion.
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noun 1. See under States-General (def 1). States-General [steyts-jen-er-uh l] /ˈsteɪtsˈdʒɛn ər əl/ noun 1. the parliament of the Netherlands, consisting of an upper chamber (First Chamber) and a lower chamber (Second Chamber) 2. French History. the legislative body in France before the French Revolution. second chamber noun 1. the upper house of a bicameral […]
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noun 1. senility; dotage. second childhood noun 1. dotage; senility (esp in the phrases in his, her, etc, second childhood) second childhood The dotage of old age; also, childlike playfulness in an adult. For example, Grandpa needs full-time care, now that he’s in his second childhood, or Since he retired and started learning to fly, […]
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[sek-uh nd-klas, -klahs] /ˈsɛk əndˈklæs, -ˈklɑs/ adjective 1. of a secondary class or quality. 2. second-rate; inferior. adverb 3. by second-class mail or passenger accommodations: to travel second-class. second class noun 1. the class of travel accommodations, as on a train, that are less costly and luxurious than first class but are more costly and […]
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