a unit of measurement of liquid flow, especially of rivers, equal to one cubic foot per second.
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- Second-generation
[sek-uh nd-jen-uh-rey-shuh n] /ˈsɛk əndˌdʒɛn əˈreɪ ʃən/ adjective 1. being the second generation of a family to be born in a particular country: the oldest son of second-generation Americans. 2. being the native-born child of naturalized parents. 3. being a revised or improved version of a product, system, service, etc.: Production has been increased with […]
- Second generation computer
architecture A computer built from transistors, designed between the mid-1950s and mid-1960s. Ferrite core memory and magnetic drums replaced cathode ray tubes and delay-line storage for main memory. Index registers and floating point arithmetic hardware became widespread. Machine-independent high level programming languages such as ALGOL, COBOL and Fortran were introduced to simplify programming. I/O processors […]
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assembly language See also first generation language, third generation language.
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noun 1. the plant growth that follows the destruction of virgin forest. second growth noun 1. natural regrowth of a forest after fire, cutting, or some other disturbance
- Second-guess
[sek-uh nd-ges] /ˈsɛk əndˈgɛs/ verb (used with object) 1. to use hindsight in criticizing or correcting. 2. to predict (something) or outguess (someone): We must try to second-guess what he’ll do next. second-guess verb (informal) 1. to criticize or evaluate with hindsight 2. to attempt to anticipate or predict (a person or thing)