a partner whose name as a member of a firm is not revealed to the public.
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- Secret-police
noun 1. a police force that functions as the enforcement arm of a government’s political policies and whose activities, which often include surveillance, intimidation, and physical violence as a means of suppressing dissent, are usually concealed from the public. secret police noun 1. a police force that operates relatively secretly to check subversion or political […]
- Secret reserve
noun See hidden reserve
- Secret santa
noun 1. a system whereby each member of a group chooses at random another member of the group for whom to buy a Christmas present at an agreed cost, so that each member buys one present and receives one present a person chosen in this way to buy another person’s Christmas present
- Secret-service
noun 1. the branch of governmental service that conducts secret investigations, especially investigations into the military strength of other nations. 2. (initial capital letters) the branch of the U.S. Department of the Treasury charged chiefly with the discovery and apprehension of counterfeiters and with providing protection for the president and the president’s immediate family. 3. […]
- Secret shopper
noun See mystery shopper