
an assembly or council of citizens having the highest deliberative functions in a government, especially a legislative assembly of a state or nation.
(initial capital letter) the upper house of the legislature of certain countries, as the United States, France, Italy, Canada, Ireland, Republic of South Africa, Australia, and some Latin American countries.
the room or building in which such a group meets.
Roman History. the supreme council of state, the membership and functions of which varied at different periods.
a governing, advisory, or disciplinary body, as in certain universities.
any legislative or governing body considered to resemble a Senate
the main governing body at some colleges and universities
noun (sometimes not capital)
the upper chamber of the legislatures of the US, Canada, Australia, and many other countries
the legislative council of ancient Rome. Originally the council of the kings, the Senate became the highest legislative, judicial, and religious authority in republican Rome
the ruling body of certain free cities in medieval and modern Europe

(Acts 5:21), the “elders of Israel” who formed a component part of the Sanhedrin.

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