
a town and resort on the Isle of Man, capital of the island, on the E coast. Pop: 25 347 (2001)
C(lifford) H(ugh). 1879–1952, British economist, who originated the theory of social credit
Gavin. ?1474–1522, Scottish poet, the first British translator of the Aeneid
Keith (Castellain). 1920–44, British poet, noted for his poems of World War II: killed in action
Michael K(irk). born 1944, US film actor; his films include Romancing the Stone (1984), Wall Street (1987), Basic Instinct (1992), and Wonder Boys (2000)
(George) Norman. 1868–1952, British writer, esp of books on southern Italy such as South Wind (1917)
Tommy, full name Thomas Clement Douglas (1904–86). Canadian statesman: premier of Saskatchewan 1944–61
Sir Douglas. 1882–1958, Australian Antarctic explorer, born in England

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