
a drunkard.
a habitual or chronic drunkard
a person stupefied by or as if by drink
(Scot) indeed: used to contradict a negative statement: I am not! — You are sot!
Society of Toxicology

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  • Sotted

    adjective 1. drunken; besotted.

  • Sottish

    adjective 1. stupefied with or as if with drink; drunken. 2. given to excessive drinking. 3. pertaining to or befitting a sot.

  • Sotto-voce

    adverb 1. in a low, soft voice so as not to be overheard. adverb 1. in an undertone

  • SOTU

    noun 1. State of the Union (message).

  • Sou

    noun 1. (formerly) either of two bronze coins of France, equal to 5 centimes and 10 centimes. 2. sol2 . 1. south. 2. southern. noun 1. a former French coin of low denomination 2. a very small amount of money: I haven’t a sou to my name sou. 1. south 2. southern

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