(Austral) a game resembling tennis played with wooden bats and a perforated plastic ball, devised by F. A. Beck in 1961
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noun 1. a very common mineral, zinc sulfide, ZnS, usually containing some iron and a little cadmium, occurring in yellow, brown, or black crystals or cleavable masses with resinous luster: the principal ore of zinc and cadmium; blackjack. noun 1. a yellow to brownish-black mineral consisting of zinc sulphide in cubic crystalline form with varying […]
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noun, Cell Biology. 1. the period of the cell cycle prior to mitosis, during which the chromosomes are replicated. S phase n. The phase of the mitotic cycle during which DNA synthesis occurs.
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SPHCOM Society for the Preservation of Historical Coin-Operated Machines
- Sphecid
adjective 1. belonging or pertaining to the Sphecidae, a family of solitary wasps, including the mud daubers, sand wasps, etc. noun 2. a sphecid wasp.
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noun a fear of wasps