
[sfig-muh-graf, -grahf] /ˈsfɪg məˌgræf, -ˌgrɑf/
an instrument for recording the rapidity, strength, and uniformity of the arterial pulse.
/ˈsfɪɡməʊˌɡrɑːf; -ˌɡræf/
(med) an instrument for making a recording (sphygmogram) of variations in blood pressure and pulse

sphygmograph sphyg·mo·graph (sfĭg’mə-grāf’)
An instrument for graphically recording the form, strength, and variations of the arterial pulse.
sphyg’mo·graph’ic adj.
sphyg·mog’ra·phy (-mŏg’rə-fē) n.

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