a person or thing that sponges.
a person who habitually borrows or lives at the expense of others; parasite.
a person or boat engaged in gathering sponges.
(informal) a person who lives off other people by continually taking advantage of their generosity; parasite or scrounger
a person or ship employed in collecting sponges
Read Also:
- Sponge-rubber
noun 1. a light, spongy rubber, usually prepared by bubbling carbon dioxide through or whipping air into latex, used for padding, insulation, gaskets, etc.; foam rubber.
- Sponge-tree
noun 1. huisache.
- Spongeware
noun 1. earthenware decorated with color applied with a sponge.
- Spongiform
adjective 1. resembling a sponge, as in appearance or structure. adjective 1. resembling a sponge in appearance, esp in having many holes 2. denoting diseases characterized by this appearance of affected tissues spongiform spon·gi·form (spŭn’jə-fôrm’) adj. Resembling a sponge, as in appearance or porosity.
- Spongiform encephalopathy
spongiform encephalopathy n. Encephalopathy characterized by progressive diffuse vacuolation of the cerebral cortex.