
a rigid or unyielding position.

Read Also:

  • Standfirst

    noun 1. (journalism) an introductory paragraph in an article, printed in larger or bolder type or in capitals, which summarizes the article

  • Stand guard

    Watch over, act as a lookout, as in We’ll climb the tree and get the apples if Josh will stand guard, or There’s a parking space; stand guard while I make a U-turn and get to it. This term alludes to the military defense of posting guards to watch for the enemy.

  • Stand-in

    noun 1. a substitute for a motion-picture star during the preparation of lighting, cameras, etc., or in dangerous scenes. 2. any substitute. standee

  • Stand in awe

    see: in awe of

  • Stand in for

    Substitute for, as in He’s kindly agreed to stand in for me at the reception. [ Early 1900s ]

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