
noun, plural stigmata
[stig-muh-tuh, stig-mah-tuh, -mat-uh] /ˈstɪg mə tə, stɪgˈmɑ tə, -ˈmæt ə/ (Show IPA), stigmas.
a mark of disgrace or infamy; a stain or reproach, as on one’s reputation.

a mental or physical mark that is characteristic of a defect or disease:
the stigmata of leprosy.
a place or point on the skin that bleeds during certain mental states, as in hysteria.


a small mark, spot, or pore on an animal or organ.
the eyespot of a protozoan.
an entrance into the respiratory system of insects.

Botany. the part of a pistil that receives the pollen.
stigmata, marks resembling the wounds of the crucified body of Christ, said to be supernaturally impressed on the bodies of certain persons, especially nuns, tertiaries, and monastics.
Archaic. a mark made by a branding iron on the skin of a criminal or slave.
noun (pl) stigmas, (for sense 7) stigmata (ˈstɪɡmətə; stɪɡˈmɑːtə)
a distinguishing mark of social disgrace: the stigma of having been in prison
a small scar or mark such as a birthmark

any mark on the skin, such as one characteristic of a specific disease
any sign of a mental deficiency or emotional upset

(botany) the receptive surface of a carpel, where deposited pollen germinates

a pigmented eyespot in some protozoans and other invertebrates
the spiracle of an insect

(archaic) a mark branded on the skin
(pl) (Christianity) marks resembling the wounds of the crucified Christ, believed to appear on the bodies of certain individuals

stigma stig·ma (stĭg’mə)
n. pl. stig·mas or stig·ma·ta (stĭg-mä’tə, -māt’ə, stĭg’mə-)

Visible evidence of a disease.

A spot or blemish on the skin.

A bleeding spot on the skin considered as a manifestation of conversion disorder.

The orange pigmented eyespot of certain chlorophyll-bearing protozoa, such as Euglena viridis. It serves as a light filter by absorbing certain wavelengths.

A mark of shame or discredit.

Follicular stigma.

The sticky tip of a flower pistil, on which pollen is deposited at the beginning of pollination. See more at flower.

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