
[strep-tuh-kok-uh s] /ˌstrɛp təˈkɒk əs/
noun, plural streptococci
[strep-tuh-kok-sahy, -see] /ˌstrɛp təˈkɒk saɪ, -si/ (Show IPA). Bacteriology.
any of several spherical or oval bacteria of the genus Streptococcus, occurring in pairs or chains, certain species of which are pathogenic for humans, causing scarlet fever, tonsillitis, etc.
noun (pl) -cocci (-ˈkɒkaɪ; US) (-ˈkɒksaɪ)
any Gram-positive spherical bacterium of the genus Streptococcus, typically occurring in chains and including many pathogenic species, such as S. pyogenes, which causes scarlet fever, sore throat, etc: family Lactobacillaceae Often shortened to strep

streptococcus strep·to·coc·cus (strěp’tə-kŏk’əs)
n. pl. strep·to·coc·ci (-kŏk’sī, -kŏk’ī)
A bacterium of the genus Streptococcus.
strep’to·coc’cal or strep’to·coc’cic adj.

Streptococcus n.
A genus of gram-positive, anaerobic, often pathogenic bacteria having an ovoid or spherical appearance and occurring in pairs or chains, including many erythrocytolytic and pathogenic species that cause erysipelas, scarlet fever, and septic sore throat in humans.
Plural streptococci (strěp’tə-kŏk’sī, -kŏk’ī)
Any of various bacteria of the genus Streptococcus that are gram-positive cocci and are normally found on the skin and mucous membranes and in the digestive tract of mammals. One type of streptococcus, Group A, is a common pathogen in humans and causes various infections, including strep throat, scarlet fever, pneumonia, and some types of impetigo.
streptococcus [(strep-tuh-kok-uhs)]

A category of bacteria that can cause various infections in humans, including scarlet fever and strep throat.

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