
of or relating to the biogeographic region of the ocean bottom between the littoral and bathyal zones, from the low water line to the edge of the continental shelf, or to a depth of approximately 660 feet (200 meters).
being or situated in the zone of a lake extending from the lowest depth of rooted photosynthetic plants to the level at which the photosynthetic rate of flora equals the respiration rate.
a sublittoral zone or region.
(of marine organisms) growing, living, or situated close to the seashore: a sublittoral plant
of or relating to the zone between the low tide mark and 100 m depth

Relating to the region of the ocean bottom between the low tide line and the edge of the continental shelf, ranging in depth to about 200 m (656 ft). Unlike areas of the littoral zone, the sublittoral zone is always submerged. Compare littoral.

Relating to the deeper part of a lake below the area in which rooted plants grow.

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