
noun, plural succoth, succot, succos
[Sephardic Hebrew soo-kawt; Ashkenazic Hebrew soo-kohs] /Sephardic Hebrew suˈkɔt; Ashkenazic Hebrew sʊˈkoʊs/ (Show IPA). English, succahs. Hebrew.
noun, plural sukkoth, sukkot, sukkos
[Sephardic Hebrew soo-kawt; Ashkenazic Hebrew soo-kohs] /Sephardic Hebrew suˈkɔt; Ashkenazic Hebrew sʊˈkoʊs/ (Show IPA). English, sukkahs. Hebrew.
a booth or hut roofed with branches, built against or near a house or synagogue and used during the Jewish festival of Sukkoth as a temporary dining or living area.
(Judaism) a variant spelling of sukkah
a temporary structure with a roof of branches in which orthodox Jews eat and, if possible, sleep during the festival of Sukkoth Also called tabernacle

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