a sorghum, Sorghum sudanense, introduced into the U.S. from Africa, grown for hay and pasture.
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- Sudanic
adjective 1. (especially in former systems of classification) of or relating to a residual category of African languages including most of the non-Bantu and non-Hamitic languages of northern and central Africa: most now reclassified as part of the Niger-Congo subfamily. 2. of or relating to the Sudan or the Sudanese. noun 1. a group of […]
- Sudanophilic
sudanophilic su·dan·o·phil·ic (sōō-dān’ə-fĭl’ĭk) adj. Staining easily with Sudan dyes.
- Sudanophobic
sudanophobic su·dan·o·pho·bic (sōō-dān’ə-fō’bĭk) adj. Failing to stain with a Sudan dye.
- Sudan yellow
Sudan yellow n. A yellow stain for fats.
- Sudaria
noun, plural sudaria [soo-dair-ee-uh] /suˈdɛər i ə/ (Show IPA) 1. (in ancient Rome) a cloth, usually of linen, for wiping the face; handkerchief. 2. (sometimes initial capital letter) veronica1 (def 3). noun (pl) -daria (-ˈdɛərɪə) 1. another word for sudatorium, veronica2