sudation su·da·tion (sōō-dā’shən)
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- Sudatorium
noun, plural sudatoria [soo-duh-tawr-ee-uh, -tohr-] /ˌsu dəˈtɔr i ə, -ˈtoʊr-/ (Show IPA) 1. a hot-air bath for inducing sweating. noun (pl) -toria (-ˈtɔːrɪə), -tories 1. a room, esp in a Roman bathhouse, where sweating is induced by heat
- Sudatory
adjective 1. pertaining to or causing sweating. 2. pertaining to a sudatorium. noun, plural sudatories. 3. sudatorium. adjective 1. relating to or producing sweating; sudorific noun (pl) -ries 2. (med) a sudatory agent 3. another word for sudatorium
- Sudbury
noun 1. a city in S Ontario, in S Canada. 2. a city in NE Massachusetts. noun 1. a city in central Canada, in Ontario: a major nickel-mining centre. Pop: 103 879 (2001)
- Sudd
noun 1. (in the White Nile) floating vegetable matter that often obstructs navigation. noun 1. floating masses of reeds and weeds that occur on the White Nile and obstruct navigation
- Sudden adult death syndrome
noun 1. the unexpected death of a young adult, usually due to undetected inherited heart disease Also called sudden death syndrome, sudden cardiac death Abbreviation SADS, SDS, SCD