noun, (used with a plural verb)
soapy water.
foam; lather.
Slang. beer.
verb (used with object)
to wash with soap or detergent (often followed by out):
to suds out a pair of socks.
plural noun
the bubbles on the surface of water in which soap, detergents, etc, have been dissolved; lather
soapy water
(slang, mainly US & Canadian) beer or the bubbles floating on it
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noun, (used with a plural verb) 1. soapy water. 2. foam; lather. 3. Slang. beer. verb (used with object) 4. to wash with soap or detergent (often followed by out): to suds out a pair of socks. plural noun 1. the bubbles on the surface of water in which soap, detergents, etc, have been dissolved; […]
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