Stanford University Intermediate Format.
A register-oriented intermediate language.
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adjective, Latin. 1. of his, her, its, or their own kind; unique. adjective 1. unique sui generis [(sooh-ee, sooh-eye jen-uh-ris)] A person or thing that is unique, in a class by itself: “She is an original artist; each of her paintings is sui generis.” From Latin, meaning “of its own kind.”
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adjective, Law. 1. capable of managing one’s affairs or assuming legal responsibility. adjective 1. (usually postpositive) (law) of full age and not under disability; legally competent to manage one’s own affairs; independent
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verb (used with object), sued, suing. 1. to institute a process in law against; bring a civil action against: to sue someone for damages. 2. to woo or court. 3. Obsolete. to make petition or appeal to. verb (used without object), sued, suing. 4. to institute legal proceedings, or bring suit: She threatened to sue. […]
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