an island in central Indonesia. 72,986 sq. mi. (189,034 sq. km).
an island in E Indonesia: mountainous and forested, with volcanoes and hot springs. Pop: 14 946 488 (2000). Area (including adjacent islands): 229 108 sq km (88 440 sq miles) Also called Celebes
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adjective 1. having long, narrow grooves or channels, as plant stems, or being furrowed or cleft, as hoofs. adjective 1. (biology) marked with longitudinal parallel grooves: sulcate stems sulcate sul·cate (sŭl’kāt’) adj. Having narrow, deep grooves.
- Sulcation
adjective 1. having long, narrow grooves or channels, as plant stems, or being furrowed or cleft, as hoofs. adjective 1. (biology) marked with longitudinal parallel grooves: sulcate stems sulcate sul·cate (sŭl’kāt’) adj. Having narrow, deep grooves.
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noun, plural sulci [suhl-sahy] /ˈsʌl saɪ/ (Show IPA) 1. a furrow or groove. 2. Anatomy. a groove or fissure, especially a fissure between two convolutions of the brain. noun (pl) -ci (-saɪ) 1. a linear groove, furrow, or slight depression 2. any of the narrow grooves on the surface of the brain that mark the […]
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noun, plural sulci [suhl-sahy] /ˈsʌl saɪ/ (Show IPA) 1. a furrow or groove. 2. Anatomy. a groove or fissure, especially a fissure between two convolutions of the brain. noun (pl) -ci (-saɪ) 1. a linear groove, furrow, or slight depression 2. any of the narrow grooves on the surface of the brain that mark the […]
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sulcus of sclera n. A slight groove on the external surface of the eyeball, indicating the line of union of the sclera and the cornea.