[suhl-fuh-pir-i-deen, -din] /ˌsʌl fəˈpɪr ɪˌdin, -dɪn/
noun, Pharmacology.
a sulfanilamide derivative, C 1 1 H 1 1 N 3 O 2 S, formerly used for infections caused by pneumococci, now used primarily for a particular dermatitis.
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noun, Biochemistry. 1. any of a class of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of sulfuric acid esters. sulfatase sul·fa·tase (sŭl’fə-tās’) n. Any of a group of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of sulfuric acid esters and are found in animal tissues and bacteria.
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noun 1. Chemistry. a salt or ester of sulfuric acid. verb (used with object), sulfated, sulfating. 2. to combine, treat, or impregnate with sulfuric acid, a sulfate, or sulfates. 3. to convert into a sulfate. 4. Electricity. to form a deposit of lead-sulfate compound on (the lead electrodes of a storage battery). verb (used without […]