
existing or occurring in a high or extreme degree:
intense heat.
acute, strong, or vehement, as sensations, feelings, or emotions:
intense anger.
of an extreme kind; very great, as in strength, keenness, severity, or the like:
an intense gale.
having a characteristic quality in a high degree:
The intense sunlight was blinding.
strenuous or earnest, as activity, exertion, diligence, or thought:
an intense life.
exhibiting a high degree of some quality or action.
having or showing great strength, strong feeling, or tension, as a person, the face, or language.
susceptible to strong emotion; emotional:
an intense person.
(of color) very deep:
intense red.
Photography. dense (def 4).
of extreme force, strength, degree, or amount: intense heat
characterized by deep or forceful feelings: an intense person

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