
the act of suppressing.
the state of being suppressed.
Psychoanalysis. conscious inhibition of an impulse.
Botany. the absence of parts normally or usually present due to the action of frost, disease, or insects.
Radio, Electronics. the elimination of a component of a varying emission, as the elimination of a frequency or group of frequencies from a signal.
Electricity. the reduction or elimination of irregular current oscillations or frequencies in a circuit.
the act or process of suppressing or the condition of being suppressed
(psychoanal) the conscious avoidance of unpleasant thoughts Compare repression (sense 2)
(electronics) the act or process of suppressing a frequency, oscillation, etc
(biology) the failure of an organ or part to develop
(med) the cessation of any physiological process

suppression sup·pres·sion (sə-prěsh’ən)

The act of suppressing or the state of being suppressed.

Conscious exclusion of unacceptable desires, thoughts, or memories from the mind.

The sudden arrest of the secretion of a fluid, such as urine or bile.

The checking or curtailing of an abnormal flow or discharge.

The effect of a second genetic mutation that reverses a phenotypic change that had been caused by a previous mutation at a different location on the chromosome.

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